Congratulations to Cath Collis, AOTM for July 2019.

Cath wins the award for her performance at Yeppoon. Well done!!!


A big thank you to our sponsors for donating this month’s prizes.


1.                       Red Dog AOTM, how do you feel about that?

Shocked. In such a large competitive squad who would have thought
2.                       What attracted you to the club?
This was first a business decision between two coaches (Trent and Cath), uniting two clubs and coaching parties together to collaboratively improve athletes, squad environment and coach expertise.
3.                       How much training do you do at the moment?
Aim is to do daily sessions in either 1 or 2 of the 3 disciplines. 
4.                       Least favourite session and why?
Pretty much any TT session, especially on the bike, with cornering and or rain... my quads just don’t the bike thing and cornering just means I have to concentrate.?‍♀️
5.                       If you had one wish, what would it be?
To have my daughters special needs disappear...not the lessons or time I have spent with her or learning from this, just her disability.
6.                       Favourite motivational quote? 
I don’t have one. Usually a song or a set of words pop into my head when needed. Think in the moment and be the best you can be at the time.
7.                       The one bit of advice I’d give to a newbie is…
Just keep turning up to squad.. if you think it is hard or you are tired... think how awesome you will feel if you get out of bed and keep training and meeting new people?
8.                       My next race is…
Sunny Coast 70.3
9.                       I couldn’t do what I do without…
My organisationals skills and ability to live out of my backpack?  
10.                   What do you do outside of triathlons?
Be a mum, eat a lots of food and do a lot of shopping for food, drink GnT’s while listening to loud music.
11.                   What’s your one guilty pleasure?
Ice cream and ice magic LOVE IT!!.


A list of all AOTM recipients can be found here