The RDTT Customer Portal (code: 8QQV7KM4) is the place to go for all your queries!
Please click on the link in your Customer Portal registration email in your inbox or log in if you have already registered.
Our software uses a CUSTOMER as the contact person responsible for payments etc and from that customer are the STUDENTS (which may be the customer, partner, child etc) who attend sessions.
Please ensure all details are kept up to date.
Please explore the customer portal - you should be able to
- see and update your customer/student CONTACTS and EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS and any relevant MEDICAL CONDITIONS
- see which TIMETRIALS have been completed up to December 2019. Please refer to RDTT Facebook Page for the latest results to update your personal records.
A complete time trial history can be provided upon This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- see any outstanding INVOICES, payments that have been applied from 1 January 2018
- see your ATTENDANCES and in which classes you typically attend by your enrolment each month
- see each student's TRACKING PACKAGES and balance AFTER payment of any outstanding invoices (student > view - at bottom of page)
For example:
If a student has an invoice for a bulk pass unpaid, the B90 tracking package sessions remaining is showing as 7, you owe the invoiced amount less the tracking package amount ie 10-7 = you owe at minimum 3 sessions and have been invoiced for a bulk pass.
If a UQ5 (UQ track venue 5-pass) is showing as -2 and you have no invoices yet for a UQ5 pass to be re-issued, you owe at least 2 UQ sessions.
Monthly and program packages etc show sessions as N/A as you may attend as many sessions as you like within the period paid for.
Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you wish to change tracking package, otherwise you will be invoiced as a bulk pass as a default with any alternative payment options listed on the invoice.
Some adjustments may be made between family member's tracking packages from time to time. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a fee/attendance reconciliation since 1 January 2018 if there is any discrepancy (eg unlisted payment made more 14 days previously to allow time for bank reconciliation).